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I am pleased to say that the 5 Point Plus is featured twice in the leading trade magazine Nursery Today – see pages 19 and 51.

Here is an extract from Colin Pattison’s column “Innovations from the Autumn fairs” on pages 50 – 51.

“Richard Knight has addressed the constant problem of children slipping out of the shoulder straps of a five point Child retraint harness, once they have been fitted into them. His 5 Point Plus comfortably holds the five point harness in the correct position.”

“Richard approached Withers & Rogers in July 2007,
explaining that he had found an elegant, yet easy to
copy, solution to the problem of children removing
their arms from their harness on a car seat. “

The 5 point plus is featured in Withers & Rogers Client magazine along with other important intellectual property news covering:

1. Trade marks and the Olympic Games

2. New procedures to enforce IP rights

3. How Germany is using patents to ensure goals in the world of football

Last week, at the  Kind und Jugend, we unveiled the 5 point plus anti-escape system to the world’s leading child car seat manufacturers.

The reception from manufacturers was excellent. We also had an incredible response from major retailers and distributors from around Europe.

I would like to thank them all for taking time out of their busy schedules and for clearly demonstrating their enthusiasm for our innovation.

I can definitely say that after this exhibition, retailers and manufacturers are excited by the arrival of the 5 point plus system.

We are very pleased to say that we are thrilled by the level of interest shown in the 5 point plus innovation.

Our appointment diary for Thursday and Friday this week is just about full!

Saturday and Sunday are not as busy, but this was expected.

Remember, viewing is by appointment only.