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ADAC, the German automotive safety group, crash tested 13 different child car seat accessories. Only three passed their stringent testing!

We are very pleased share that the 5 Point Plus Anti Escape System was endorsed by ADAC.

Also, it should be noted that ADAC do NOT recommend chest clips as these can increase the load on the dummy in the event of an accident.

Cosatto logo

Cosatto has announced that all SS16 Group 1 car seats will incorporate the 5 point plus Anti-Escape System as standard.

Cosatto seat



A recent study in Australia identified that children are 12 times more distracting than mobiles whilst driving. In the UK alone there are approximately 1,700 children (source ONS) aged 0-4 years old who are injured or killed whilst travelling in cars. This could be as many as one every hour based on a five-hour window each day for children travelling in cars to and from nursery or the shops.


Did you know that more than 70% of children wriggle out of their car seat harness?

Most people don’t and new parents aren’t always aware of this safety issue when choosing a seat. Freeing themselves from the shoulder straps puts children at risk of head, neck, spinal and internal injuries in the event of an accident.

Cosatto finds this unacceptable and has built a solution.

 “Driver distraction due to toddlers removing their harness is a risk to all road users and pedestrians. Cosatto is offering parents a real choice between simply buying a seat that complies with safety standards or buying a seat that sets safety standards. Cosatto’s new seat with the integrated 5 point plus anti escape system will help reduce driver distraction and casualties” said Richard Knight of 5 Point Plus.

The 5 Point Plus Anti Escape System has won a number of awards including the prestigious Baby Products Association Innovation Award and the Kind + Jugend Innovation Award.

Winner of 3 awards

Working with the makers of the original, award-winning 5 Point Plus, Cosatto has created the next generation of in-car security that goes beyond the existing “best protection” standard five-point harness.


All SS16 Cosatto Group 1 car seats will incorporate the brand new Cosatto Anti-Escape System.

What does Cosatto’s 5 Point Plus Anti Escape System do?

Up until now the standard 5 point harness on car seats offered the best protection for a child. However, all children are natural escape artists and with this they are able to push their hands through the gaps above the buckle simply slipping the harness off their shoulders and wriggling free.

Not anymore.


“We’ve incorporated the original 5 Point Plus blueprint into our brand new Anti-Escape system creating an antiwriggle lock down as the escape gaps are shielded making it virtually impossible for children to escape their harness”

Mark Swift, Cosatto Product Development and Technical Director.


In tests 9 out of ten children could not wriggle out of their brand new Cosatto Anti-Escape System.

We are very pleased to share the news that Dorel, owner of major brands including Maxi Cosi and Bébé Confort, advised the following on the 4th April 2014:

“We will recommend the 5-point plus accessory to parents that call us and ask for a solution for their child that is freeing himself from his harness. We will also integrate the 5-point plus accessory in our FAQ at the website.”

“The evaluation is that the product works well, and that with this accessory it is quite impossible for children to get out of the 5-point harness.”

me - white background

This is excellent news as it provides further proof on how important the 5 point plus is for child in car safety.

Taking research conducted by the Belgian Road Safety Institute on child car seat use and misuse (note 1) and extrapolating across Europe, we estimate that around 10,000 toddlers everyday are travelling to and from day nurseries and shops with their arms and shoulders out of the car seat.

Clearly this is a major concern for everyone as these toddlers are:

  1. at risk of serious life threatening injuries in the event of an accident, and
  2. a major source of potential driver distraction, a leading cause of traffic accidents.

Research conducted in Australia in 2013 identified that children are 12 times more distracting than a mobile phone (note 2). The research identified that  looking at the child in the rear seat or watching the rear-view mirror accounted for 76.4% of driver distraction.


Note 1: First Roadside survey of child restraint system use and misuse in Belgium Roynard, Lesire and Herve 2012

Note 2:

5pp integrated
Bellelli unveiled their range of child car seats with the 5 point plus harness fitted as standard at Kind + Jugend 2013.

The 5 point plus will be available on child seats suitable from birth right through to 11 years old, with both rear facing and forward facing options.

Rear facing & forward facing seats that are designed to stop children getting their arms out of the harness.

Rear facing & forward facing seats that are designed to stop children getting their arms out of the harness.

The benefits of this new range include:

  • Reduced driver distraction
  • Lower risk of traffic accident
  • Reduces risk of misuse so will be more effective in the event of an accident.

The 5 point plus, acting as a pre-crash positioner, shields the gaps that children exploit to lever the harness off their shoulders.


 Copyright Joanna Culley BA(hons) MMAA RMIP MIMI

Copyright Joanna Culley BA(hons) MMAA RMIP MIMI

In the USA and Canada, the chest clip is used as a pre-crash positioner but not only is it ineffective it also introduces new risks due to creating dangerous localised loads in the thoracic region even when used correctly. For more information on risks please read Viano and King’s paper on Biomechanics of Chest and Abdomen Impact

In Europe even the latest Q series dummies cannot measure the consequences of the chest clip as the sensors are not level with the axilla.

Image of Q3 dummy. A steel bolt is located level with the axilla, preventing measurement of loads of chest clip when positioned here

A chest clip positioned where the sensor is would be considered a misuse! Yet the bolt prevents true injuries from being identified

Parents will now have a choice between child car seats.  and will not have to buy an accessory to make them child proof! and O2 proudly announce that 5 point plus is one of the winners of the 2012 Smarta 100, the ultimate index of the UK’s 100 most dynamic and innovative small businesses.

The award organisers said: “We are not just looking for those who bring in the most cash, but the businesses that have the most original ideas and make a true difference. We want to find the beacons of enterprising Britain, the small firms that thrive despite the gloomy economy, be it a brilliant social enterprise, an inspiring young tech start-up or a small manufacturer.”

Commenting on its inclusion in the Smarta 100, 5 point plus’ founder Richard Knight said: “It is great to be recognised for our achievement in helping to make child car seats child proof.”

“If we go on to win Business of the Year, this will really raise the profile of driver distraction arising from toddlers getting their arms out of their car seat harness. All road users and pedestrians are at risk from drivers being distracted by toddlers escaping their car seat harness. Toddlers in particular are at risk, as the car seat has been rendered useless in the event of an accident.”

DEBORAH MEADEN, Dragons’ Den investor and Smarta board member, said

“This year’s Smarta 100 showcases the fantastic breadth of small businesses making waves in the UK business scene. Some demonstrate managerial magnificence, overseeing teams of dozens to grow their businesses quickly and creatively. Other Smarta 100 winners are sole traders, or just individuals – and how impressive that, even single-handedly, they have proven that being innovative and dedicated can give you the edge. And it’s not just all about cutting-edge tech companies either – this year’s Smarta 100 go to show that any sector, however traditional, can be given an exciting injection of innovation when a great entrepreneurial mind takes it on.”

THEO PAPHITIS, Dragons’ Den investor and Ryman chairman, said

“The Smarta 100 has proven yet again how many exciting, innovative and successful small businesses and start-ups there are in the UK today, and I really find them inspiring. Some of the 100 are disrupting established industries, some are creating completely new markets, and others are simply doing an exceptional job in age-old marketplaces but knocking the socks off their competition. It just goes to show that in the face of challenging economic conditions, a credit crunch and reduced customer spending, entrepreneurs and business owners who work hard and think outside the box can still thrive in today’s world. Congratulations to all the finalists and winners.”

Mother gets a suspended prison sentence due to her 17 month old son dying in car crash.

Alan Mitcheson, for the prosecution, said…
“Although the child had been strapped in his seat, the left shoulder strap had not been secured properly and as a result of that, came out of the seat and struck his head on the roof.”  Source York Press 27th October 2011


The barrister said an expert looked at the car seat and straps used to restrain the child and concluded he was not properly secured.

She told the court: ‘He was of the view Aidan had not been strapped into the car seat properly, in that the straps were too loose allowing free movement of the upper body.

‘If Aidan had been properly strapped in it might have prevented his death,’ she told the court. Source Daily Mail 25th November 2011

Many questions arise from this tragic case:

  • Why was the mother driving erratically?
  • Was the mother distracted by the toddler removing his harness in the rear seat?
  • Had the young boy started to wriggle out of his harness?
  • Were the shoulder straps fastened securely in the first place or was the toddler simply exploiting the design flaw in the harness?
  • Was there a gross miscarriage of justice with the mother receiving a suspended jail sentence?

We may never know the facts that caused the accident, but it is not always black or white that a parent has misused a car seat. Loose shoulder straps does not necessarily mean parent misuse. Find out more about how children can wriggle out of a car seat harness.

Driver distraction is one of the leading factors causing car accidents. Keeping an eye on your little one on the back seat can increase the risk of an accident exponentially.


The jury was unanimous: “The 5 Point Plus belt provides much improved safety for a child in a safety-seat.”

The jury was unanimous: “The 5 Point Plus belt provides much improved safety for a child in a safety-seat.”To mark the start of the world’s largest trade fair for babies & toddlers, a jury of representatives from the trade, the German technical inspectorate TÜV and the media carefully reviewed the new products and selected the winners in a total of eight categories.

5 point plus was named winner in the World of Moving Baby & Travelling Baby Accessories category.

The jury was unanimous: “The 5 Point Plus belt provides much improved safety for a child in a safety-seat.”

Read the full press release from Kind + Jugend

Bronze winner 2011/12

After just six months on the market, the 5 point plus was named winner in the Practical Parenting & Pregnancy Best Safety Product 2011/12 Awards, achieving a Bronze medal.

Unlike other awards that are assessed by expert panels from the industry, this award is based on opinions of mums and dads.

Winning Bronze is a validation of the 5 point plus’s quality, usability and value by real mums & dads

Practical Parenting & Pregnancy January 2012 issue (on sale December 2011) will showcase all the Product Awards winners so look out for our product in that issue.