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Car Seat Reviews

Which? are well known for their unbiased reviews, unfortunately we are not allowed to disclose their “Best Buy” and “Don’t Buy” recommendations. We can tell you, however, that some child car seat manufacturers have been awarded “Best Buy” for one model and a “Don’t Buy” for another!

Criteria for choosing a child car seat:

  • Installation: How easy is the car seat to install?
  • Side impact: How effective is the seat in side impact tests?
  • Ease of Use: Does the seat have useful features such as simple harness height adjuster?
  • Escape proof?:Getting arms out of harness renders car seat useless in an accident and causes driver distraction.

Children push their hands under the harness, rendering the car seat useless in the event of an accident

Which? perform a number of tests (try Which? now for just £1), derived from the Euro NCAP, that go well beyond the compulsory standards of the ECE R44 regulations that all child seats must comply with. Car seat manufacturers have made huge strides in a number of areas of improving the safety of car seats. However, there are still many instances where the car seat can be incorrectly fitted or used that can put a toddler’s life at risk. With this in mind, the car seat reviews by Which? place considerable emphasis on how easy a seat is to install and use. If it is difficult, then there is a high probability that it will be installed incorrectly and could result in catastrophic consequences in the event of an accident.

So when a car seat is rated a “Best Buy” or “Don’t Buy” by Which?, they have considered a number of factors that help ensure your child is protected whilst travelling in a car.

Which? have reviewed a huge range of child car seats to see how the various car seats perform when tested on front & side impact protection and ease of use:

Bebe Confort
Bebe Confort Axiss review
Bebe Confort Creatisfix review

Besafe iZi Combi X3 Isofix (forward-facing belted) review
Besafe iZi Combi X3 Isofix (rearward-facing Isofix) review
BeSafe iZi Sleep (Belted) review
BeSafe iZi Sleep (Isofix) review
BeSafe iZi UP review

Brio Primo Isofix review
Brio Primo no base (belted) review
Brio Primo with base (belted) review
Brio Zento (forward facing Group 2) review
Brio Zento (rearward facing Group 0+/1) review

Britax Adventure review
Britax BABY-SAFE (Belted) review
Britax BABY-SAFE plus (Isofix) review
Britax Baby-Safe Plus II SHR (belted no base) review
Britax Baby-Safe Plus II SHR (with Isofix base) review
Britax DUO plus (Isofix) review
Britax KID plus review
Britax Kid Plus SICT review
Britax KIDFIX (Isofix) review
Britax Kidfix SICT Isofix review
Britax Kidfix SICT Isofix (belted) review
Britax KING Plus review
Britax Multi-Tech (forward facing Group 1) review
Britax Multi-Tech (forward facing Group 2) review
Britax Multi-Tech (rearward facing Group 1) review
Britax SAFEFIX plus (belted) review
Britax SAFEFIX plus (Isofix) review

Chicco Autofix Fast review
Chicco Eletta (forward-facing Group 1) review
Chicco Eletta (rearward-facing Group 0+) review
Chicco Key 1 X-Plus review
Chicco Key 2/3 Ultrafix (Belted) review
Chicco Key 2/3 Ultrafix (Isofix) review
Chicco Key1 Isofix review
Chicco Keyfit review
Chicco Neptune review

Concord Ion review
Concord Lift Evo PT review
Concord Transformer T (Belted) review
Concord Transformer T (Isofix) review
Concord Transformer XT (Belted) review
Concord Transformer XT (Isofix) review
Concord Trimax review
Cosatto Cabi review

Cybex Aton (no base) review
Cybex Aton (with base) review
Cybex Pallas review
Cybex Solution X review
Cybex Solution X-Fix (Belted) review
Cybex Solution X-Fix (Isofix) review

Emmaljunga First Class (belted no base) review

Graco Logico S HP review
Graco Logico S HP (with base) review

Hauck Zero Plus review

I’coo C-Care review

Jane Exo (Belted) review
Jane Exo (Isofix) review
Jane Matrix Cup review
Jane Montecarlo Plus (Belted) review
Jane Montecarlo Plus (Isofix) review
Jane Strata review

Kiddy Comfort Pro review
Kiddy DiscoveryPro review
Kiddy Energy Pro review
Kiddy Guardian Pro review
Kiddy InfinityPro review

Mamas & Papas
Mamas & Papas Autocruise Carry Cot review
Mamas & Papas Primo Viaggio IP review
Mamas & Papas Primo Viaggio IP (with base) review
Mamas & Papas Primo Viaggio Isofix review
Mamas & Papas Pro Tec Isofix review
Mamas & Papas Vito (Belted no base) review
Mamas & Papas Vito (Isofix base) review

Maxi Cosi
Maxi Cosi Axiss review
Maxi Cosi Cabriofix (Belted no base) review
Maxi Cosi Cabriofix (Familyfix base) review
Maxi Cosi Cabriofix with Easyfix base review
Maxi Cosi Opal (forward-facing Group 1) review
Maxi Cosi Opal (rearward-facing Group 0+) review
Maxi Cosi Pearl (Familfix base) review
Maxi Cosi Pebble (Belted no base) review
Maxi Cosi Pebble (Familyfix base) review
Maxi Cosi Priorifix review
Maxi Cosi Rodi Air Protect review
Maxi Cosi Rodi XP review
Maxi Cosi Rodi XR review
Maxi Cosi Tobi review

Mutsy Safe 2 Go review
Mutsy Traveller review

Nania I-MAX SP review
Nania R-WAY SP review

Petite Star
Petite Star City Bug review

Phil & Teds
Phil & Teds Bebe Car Seat review

Recaro Monza review
Recaro Monza Seatfix (Belted) review
Recaro Monza Seatfix (Isofix) review
Recaro Polaric (Rearfacing – Isofix) review
Recaro Start 2.0 review
Recaro Young Expert Plus with base review
Recaro Young Profi Plus with base review
Recaro Young Sport review

Renolux Quick Confort review

Safety 1st
Safety 1st Tri Safe review

Silver Cross
Silver Cross Navigator review
Silver Cross Ventura Plus review

Sunshine Kids
Sunshine Kids Monterey (back removed) review
Sunshine Kids Monterey (with back attached) review

Volvo Booster seat review
Volvo Convertible Child seat (forward facing Group 1) review
Volvo Convertible Child seat (forward facing Group 2) review
Volvo Convertible Child seat (rearward facing Group 1) review
Volvo Infant seat review